LMBA is in need of more umpires for the 2022 season. We are looking for youth and adults for both baseball and softball. Without umpires we would have no games for our players. Please consider this opportunity to earn some extra income while watching a great sport being played!
For those interested in umpiring baseball games, LMBA is hosting an OBA approved umpire clinic on Sunday, April 26th, 2020. To register for this clinic:
- go to http://www.baseballontario.com/
- select Umpires
- then Online Forms in the horizontal menu bar
- then Umpire Registration
- then select either New Umpire Registration (if you are a new Umpire with no previous Umpire Card#; select Affiliate as Western Ontario Baseball Association then Club as Listowel Minor Baseball) OR Existing Umpire Registration (if you previously had an active Umpire Card#)
After you have an Umpire Card Number assigned then
- Select our clinic: [2020/04/26] [Level 1/2] U20-48 [Listowel Minor Baseball] [Listowel District Secondary School 155 Maitland Avenue South, Listowel ON]
- And select Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3 (New Umpires will be Level 1)
For those interested in umpiring softball games, the Intercounty Softball Association (ISA) is planning to host a Softball Ontario umpire clinic on Saturday, April 25th, 2020 at the Centre Wellington District High School on Scotland Street in Fergus. This clinic will include Junior, Intermediate, Level 1 and Level 2. Please see https://softballontario.ca/umpire-program/ for further information about the Softball Ontario umpire program.
The Western Ontario Athletic Association (WOAA) also hosts softball umpire clinics, and WOAA carded umpires are eligible to umpire ISA games. For more information as it becomes available, go to http://woaa.on.ca/Leagues/1059/Softball and select “Softball Forms”.
LMBA will subsidize the cost of clinic registration fees for Listowel Level 1 and Level 2 umpires.
For more information, please contact Alexa Hinsperger at [email protected]