JR Development Team Profile, News, Jr Development Tuesday, 2014 (Listowel Minor Baseball)

This Team is part of the 2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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May 20, 2014 | jkellum | 604 views
JR Development Team Profile
Development Level- 4 , 5 & 6 Year Old Boys and Girls - The start into both baseball and softball

 The season will progress from t-ball to coaches pitching to eventually hitting off a pitching machine
- Once per week
- Program usually runs from June to mid-August (coaches discretion & weather permitting)
- Maximum of 12 players/night
- Follow the Baseball Canada Rally Cap program
- Develop skills throughout the season and are tested 3 times per year (catching, throwing, hitting and base-running)
- Players are rewarded with different coloured "Rally Caps" based on the test results (White, Grey and Black cap)
- May play some exhibition games vs other local teams in the program
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