May 28, 2014 | Mike Smith | 619 views
Season begins
The 2014 regular season began with a short road trip to Mitchell on Tuesday the 27th.
The Team put in a good effort with all getting a chance to play infield and outfield during the course of the game. We sent 5 different pitchers to the mound and all had levels of success in doing what is most important, throwing strikes!!
It is very obvious these Team Members have been working hard at home with their balance and keeping their focus on the target. Great work and keep up the practice. Throwing 30 to 40 pitches each night and holding your balance in front of the TV during NHL Playoff game commercials will go a long way in helping as we move through the Season.
Our batting lineup was set based on when you arrived at the ballpark. This is now a fixed lineup with the next game starting where the last one left off in the order. We had quite a number of hits and the Coach's liked the free swinging attitude of the Batters. With only 3 or 4 at bats a game, we all want to make sure we are using them wisely by swinging the bat, putting the ball in play and gaining confidence.
Additionally, thanks to all for running on and off the field and for your enthusiasm from the bench. You looked and acted like a Baseball Team and that's the expectation.
As always, your homework is to keep playing catch at home throwing both 4 seamers and 2 seamers. Calling your fellow teammates when we have a night off to play a game of pickup baseball at one of the public schools is always a great opportunity to develop your skills and enjoy the game (without the parents!).
Nothing comes easy to anybody without practice.....keep up the good work.