Jun 05, 2014 | Mike Smith | 598 views
Listowel Minor Baseball Day
LMB has put together a full day of baseball action for our young players to enjoy. I've copied the article from the front page and dropped it into this article below. It's an opportunity for these young players and the Parents to see how the kids grow through the system by taking in that Bantam game at Noon. Well worth your time to stir up the passion within your Son.
Come out and support Listowel Minor Baseball while joining the fun activities planned for the day!!!
Come out and support Listowel Minor Baseball while joining the fun activities planned for the day!!!
• Silent Auction Raffle Style
• 50-50 Draw
• BBQ & Refreshments
All teams play on Saturday, June 14 starting by 9:00 am
John Bell North & John Bell South
Optimist Diamond
Jackson Park Diamond
Activities to be held at Memorial Park-Radar Gun/ Ball Toss/ Timed Base Running
Everyone welcome to come join the fun & cheer on your favourite team
Home Team Visiting Team Diamond Location Time
Rookie Blue Rookie Orange Optimist Park 9:00 AM
Squirt - Girls Bender Squirt-Girls Morrell John Bell North 9:30 AM
Jr Development Monday Jr Development Wednesday Memorial Diamond (Pool) 10:00 AM
Rookie Green Rookie Red Optimist Park 10:30 AM
Jr Development Tuesday Jr Development Wednesday Memorial Diamond (Pool) 10:30 AM
Mosquito WOBA 1 Exeter 2 Jacksonville Park 11:00 AM
Atom-Girls Minto John Bell North 11:30 AM
Bantam Kitchener Panthers John Bell South 12:00 PM
Rookie Rep Goderich Optimist Park 12:00 PM
PeeWee Girls Mt.Forest John Bell North 1:30 PM
Mosquito WOBA 2 Exeter 2 Jacksonville Park 2:00 PM
Bantam Girls Durham John Bell North 3:30 PM
Senior Legionnaires Dominican Blue Jays John Bell South 3:30 PM
Midget Girls Minto John Bell North 5:30 PM