May 16, 2019 | Rob Martin | 795 views
Tier 1 Team
The evaluators would like to thank all players who came out to the tier 1 tryouts this season, and wish everyone best of luck this summer in baseball.
The following players have been selected to the 2019 Tier 1 Roster
Zack Brooks
Corbin Dietrick
Tucker Frook
Tyse Hayter
Patrick Magee
Rory Magee
Koen Martin
Oliver Morwood
Drew Ottens
Tyler Sutherland
Baylen Vidic
We would like everyone to our first practice on Tuesday May 21 @ 6:00 at the Optimist diamond. We would also like to invite the following 3 players to practice as well.
Jack Magee
Simon Kaye
Deklyn Cressman
Rob Martin