Jul 18, 2010 | Julie Donaldson | 1282 views
Our Listowel Squirt Girls went undefeated in the tournament this weekend hosted by St. Mary's. Their defence was strong, their bats were on, and their running was aggressive as the girls pulled together for this two day tournament.
Their 1st game Friday night was against St. Mary's. Briana Donaldson pitched the first three innings and Carly Gerber pitched the last two innings as they both delivered their pitches with ease only giving up 4 runs. Mallory Keupfer caught, backing up her pitchers with great ability. Kaitlin Sippel had a great tag out at 3rd, and Chelsea Smith had an amazing catch at short! We were able to bring in 9 runs with some great batting especially from Heather Vance with her three RBI's! Team scorers were Reghanne Howes, Erica Hemmingway, Briana, Mallory, Carly, Kaitlin, Sommer Bender, Jessica Bannerman, and Chelsea.
Our "Game Ball" went to Carly Gerber for her two strong innings at pitch, and to Heather Vance for her two great hits for three RBI's!
Our 2nd game Saturday morning was against Mitchell. Briana pitched this game however struggled with her first three batters. After allowing those 3 runs in, she tighten ship and pitched well as she held them up over the next four innings, only allowing one more run in the rest of the game. Mitchell was holding their own as the score was 3 ALL in the bottom of the third. Thanks to Carly's great double RBI, bringing the score to 5-3, we finished the game defeating Mitchell 5-4 in the 5th inning. Jenn McDonald caught the full game with great athletic ability! She was holding all runners up without allowing many steals at all! Girls to cross home plate this game were Mallory, Heather, Chelsea, Carly, Sommer and Jessica! Way to go girls!
Our "Game Ball" went to two team mates again Jenn McDonald for her fantastic catching skills and to Carly Gerber for her double RBI to help win the game!
Our 3rd game, got a little wet as we ran off the field just before huge rain storm began! We even had hail... the diamond quickly drained off, but only allowed us 3 innings of play against Fullarton. Briana pitched the first inning and closed it down quickly with only 4 batters as she even ran down a stealer on the 3rd base line for a tag out. Carly pitched the 2nd inning but just couldn't catch a break and Fullarton managed to bring in 5 runs. Jenn at catch, also ran a runner down on the 3rd base line for another great tag out to get out of the inning. Briana went back into the 3rd inning as her and Jenn kept it tight only allowing 2 runs in, and closed it down after 5 batters. The final score was 10-7. Girls to cross the plate this game were Ashley Bannerman, Erica, Jenn, Briana, Mallory(2), Heather, Carly(2), and Reghanne.
Our "Game Ball" went to Briana Donaldson for her defence and pitching.
On to the A FINALS, where we met up with Mitchell again. This game was intense as the score seemed to go back and forth. Briana struggled in the 1st inning, and our fielders struggled as Mitchell got 6 runs in the 1st inning and we managed to bring in 2 runs with another great hit and double RBI from Heather! In the 2nd inning Briana pulled it together, and only let one run in. However the girls walked in with heads hung and starting to give up. After a huge "pep-talk" the girls jumped back into it with all feet forward as they brought in 6 runs too! The score at the bottom of the 2nd inning was now 8-7 for us, and the girls were back into full game mode. During the 3rd inning Mallory made two superb plays from third into home, throwing 2 runners out! In the bottom of the 3rd inning both teams had brought in another 2 runs, so still just a head by one run and going out to the top of the 4th. This was a nail-bitting inning as we were told it was the last inning - this was it! Mitchell had 2 runners on base, and Briana had two out. With a full count on this Mitchell batter, Briana whipped one past her and she stood there and the ump yelled "Strike"! Our team went wild with elation as without needing our last bat, we had won the championship game with a close 10-9 finish! Those to score in this game were Ashley, Erica(2), Jenn, Heather, Chelsea, Reghanne, Sommer, Jessica and Kaitlin. Way to Go Girls!
Our "Game Ball" went to Mallory Kuepfer for her two stand out plays into home, as she threw over the runners heads from 3rd base for the tag outs at home!
As well we presented the "Game Ball" as a "Tournament Ball" to the player we felt stood out over the course of the 4 games during the tournament. This was awarded to Briana Donaldson for her pitching throughout the whole tournament. With the exception of the 3 innings that team mate Carly pitched, Briana pitched 12 innings well, which helped her team become champs!
We are SO PROUD of all of you Squirt Girls! We hope to see you bring that fire you had with you to all our upcoming league games and continue right through into our year-end tournament!
WAY TO PLAY BALL GIRLS! - Your coaches, Julie & Brent