Aug 03, 2010 | Julie Donaldson | 1415 views
We had our final league game tonight as the girls played very aggressively, to take the win against Lieury 19-5. Girls brought out their heavy bats, and brought in run after run! Way to play ball girls!
Briana Donaldson pitched 3 strong innings, however two runs were allowed in due to the horrible rolled up fence at JBN, when 2 pitches rolled under. Other than that, she managed to strike out all others. Mallory Kuepfer took a great try at the mound in the 4th, and Briana helped her out in the end, by striking out 3 batters in a row, to close the inning out.
Batters were on tonight! Rachel Williams hit a great single all 4 times at bat, and Mallory hit a double. Briana hit a home run bringing 2 others in with her! Everyone on the team brought in a run or more! Ashley Bannerman, Rachel (3), Erica Hemmingway, Briana (2), Mallory (2), Heather Vance (3), Jessica Bannerman(3), Reghanne Howes(2), and Sommer Bender (2). That is what we hope to see all weekend girls at our Year End Tournament in Mitchell!
Our "Game Ball" for player that stood out this game went to Rachel Williams! Rachel is new to baseball this year, and has truly began learning the sport as her batting average has improved immensely! Keep up the great work Rachel!
Brent and I are looking forward to a very exciting tournament this weekend! Keep up the great athletic skills girls! Whoo Hoo! We are so pleased with all of you!